How to find stuff

There are many ways readers can find stuff in my blog.

Notice the text field labeled “search this site,” located at the top of the right sidebar. Enter a text string, press enter/return, and voilà — a list of “Search Results” shows many if not all blog posts related to the search string. For example, type “tiger spiketail” and you will see an index of several pages of blog posts in which the words “tiger spiketail” appear.

From there, you might click on one of the “Tags” that I add to blog posts. For example, click on Cordulegaster erronea, the scientific name for Tiger Spiketail dragonfly, and you will see the full-text version of all “Posts Tagged ‘Cordulegaster erronea.’

The right sidebar also includes a section called “Categories,” listed in alphabetical order. “Categories” are broader than “Tags” but they can be a good starting point for your seach. Some categories are more specific than others. For example, if you click on the category entitled ‘macro photography using 4x microscope objective‘ you will see fewer posts than if you click on ‘macro photography.’ The archive for each category shows full-text versions of all related blog posts.

Finally, there is a list of “Pages” located near the top of the right sidebar. Each page is a Web page that typically leads to a list of related resources. For example, if you click on “Photo Gear Talk” then you will see a page featuring links to some of the more useful blog posts that I have written about a variety of gear-related topics, such as “Continuous power sources – external and internal.” Many of the resources listed on the “Photo Gear Talk” Web page feature hard to find guidance that I think readers will find useful.

In my opinion, “Pages” are underutilized by readers of my blog. That’s regrettable because there’s a lot of good stuff on those pages. For example, my page entitled “Odonate Terminal Appendages” is one of the most complete resources of its kind on the Internet.

What have I missed? Please leave a comment if you know of other ways to mine the archives on my blog. Thanks and happy hunting!

Copyright © 2022 Walter Sanford. All rights reserved.